Victor Agather, the man responsible for the acquisition of ‘FIFI’ played an important role in the Battle of Kansas, which ultimately led to the combat deployment of the B-29.
The USAF introduced the F-4 “Phantom” into the Heritage Flight program this year. Charlie Hainline, a devoted warbird enthusiast and owner, was selected as the West Coast demo pilot and he describes his experience fl ying the ‘Rhino.’
Most of the fl ying T-34s have been heavily customized by their owners. Joe Pardi bucks this trend by restoring his Mentor back to its original military confi guration.
Raybourne Thompson spent ten years resurrecting a combat veteran Spitfi re. Warbird Digest presents the fi rst air-to-air photographs of this marvelous restoration.
Want to fl y a jet, but don’t want all the hassles? Shared Squadrons has the solution.
Just prior to this year’s Warbirds over Wanaka show, Xavier Méal gives us a glimpse back on past shows and what we can expect this year.
The Weary Warriors Squadron was ahead of its time when it undertook the ground-up restoration of a rare B-25H. Tim Savage takes a look at the restoration while Greg Morehead shot the stunning photographs.
The Commemorative Air Force B-29 “Superfortress” has been in operation for over three decades. Warbird Digest presents the defi nitive history of the airplane and brings readers up to date on the extensive work taking place on the bomber.